It is the best car to drive . in 1st look it looking much cute little SUV .it is available in 5 color( fiery red, moonlight silver, ice cool white, outback bronze, plant grey) . the kwid is renault indis largest small car on sele acros india . renoult kwid have 799 cc engine with 68 bhp max power which gives 86Nm torque . it means its pickup is much better . its top speed is 135kmph and(0-100) is 16 second . its turning distance is 4.9 and it is very good for traffic or parking or turning also . 3 cylinder built in it with 5 sped gear .
it have two type of gear . 1st is you must lock the leaver and push like as 1st gear for revers . and second type is AMT version . it have not leaver it have dial like auto gear system . which is main attraction and good for old age person .
for its looks renoult also give kwid high ground clearance(180mm) in its range between 2-5 lak . which is very low cost . it have 28 litter fuel capacity and milage is(21 to 24 km/lit) . its wheel suze is 13 inch tubeless tyre .
the amezing fact of renoult kwid is cargo volume 300lit . no other can give this type of boot space up to 5 lak . it is unbeliveble thing for every one .
disply screen in the car is much nicer, it work quite well . but navigation, bluetooth both are very good to use .
all are good handalling is also sooo smouth . but I only seen a falt is that back rear window glass are not fully open but the car was soo nice .