You can not sit inside the car with AC on, if the outside temperature is above 35 degree. The day I took delivery, went out with my family when out side temperature was 42 degree. I returned to the showroom in 2 hours complaining about the AC.
We could not sit in the car with AC on, it was that hot inside. Showroom guys suggested me to use the car for few days and come back, if the problem still there. Went to their service center after two weeks, as per them no complaints with AC. I bought the car in end May13, till today, I had been to their service center 3 times, but they are not able to rectify AC issues. They suggested me to use sun film, if I need better AC effect.
I bought Renault Scala primarily due to their fuel efficiency. But the reality is different from their advertisements and brochures. I get maximum 12 KMPL in city limits. Average in city limits is 11 KMPL diesel. In Highways, I got average of 16 KMPL. I took it up with their services team, they claim it is due to the driving style!
Also the engine sound inside the car is high.
I have done 7150 Kms till now....not worth it!!!!