I landed on this news channel this morning. They were showing the news about Sushants death case. I was shocked to hear the words which the anchor and the reporter were using. They were passing their comments on Rhea Chakraborty and what they think about her, how arrogant and careless she is to not reach to the place she was summoned to. The reporter is saying - "What does she think of herself, this made me very angry" and the anchor is totally bullying her on a National TV Channel saying "Its not the time to apply make up on your face, you are not going on a set but for an official cause. Whats taking you so long? " I havent seen such repugnant comments being given any news channel. Its beyond pathetic and shameful. They are acting as if shes done some newest kind of crime buying drugs. Its a known issue in the society and should be treated and dealt in a civil manner instead of just passing your own judgments which no one really cares about. She has no been proven guilty yet so you have no right to disgrace her. Your job is to report to the public whats going on in country and not what YOU think about everything unless you are participating in any debate. Again, to put it in a better way, you Reporters and Anchors are not sitting there to pass judgments but to state facts and ask the right questions to reach to the truth. And looking at your news channel, youre doing a PATHETIC Job. Learn some decency from other reputable news channels.
P. S. Just so everyone knows Im neither a supporter of Rhea Chakraborty nor any other news Channel. Im speaking as an individual.