First I broke my hip and had two have to operations. Then my husband had two hernias removed.
My husband has had gallstones for years. They tried to remove his gallbladder twice but he almost bled out:
What Is The Gallbladder:
The gallbladder is a pouch shaped organ which is near the liver.
It accepts bile from the liver and stores it.
Bile is a watery, green yellowish fluid produced by the liver which aids in the digestion of fatty foods.
It contains bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol and phospholipids.
In the gallbladder, the bile is concentrated by the reabsorption of water from it.
When food is digested, the gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine where it is able to help dissolve fats.
The most common disorder of the gall bladder is gallstones.
My Husband:
His gall bladder was full of stone and they call this agalvanize gall bladder.
His doctors told him that he could forget about getting an operation because no stone would come out.
A Month Ago:
Two stones as big as golf balls did come out of the gall bladder and longed themself between the gall bladder and his stomach.
He has a high pain threshold and did not feel any pain, he just felt he wanted to throw up.
When I told him he looked 9 months pregnant he went to emergency at the hospital.
The surgeon took one look at him and told them to put a drain in his stomach. In 5 minutes he lost 15 pounds of bile.
He has an irregular heart beat and it began to beat faster than normal. He also takes blood thinner pills for his high blood pressure.
Dr. Tong told him and each of my children he was going to die if he didnt have the operation and it was only a 50% change that he would live if he had it.
Everyone was worried that he would bleed out because of the blood thinners. You have to stop taking them 3 days before any operation.
After The Operation.
We were all praying when the surgeon came into the room and told us my husband had survived.
He also told us during the operation he only lost two tablespoons of blood.
If you dont believe in miracles this is an example of one.
Never plan what you will do after you retire just live each day like it is the last one.
My husband is home. The scars are healing fast but his body still hurts.
If you have gallstones please get your gall bladder taken out as soon as you can.
As always do what your doctor says.
Thank you for reading my review.