Reva is basically an electric car which operates on battery. For a single charge of 4-5 hours, gives you 80 km travel range. It has no clutch, no gears; Only an accelerator and brake. So very simple to drive, particularly women. Top speed is about 50-55 kms. It is great for a person who:
a. Travel < 50 kms a day
b. Usually fixed point travel (Residence to Office and back).
c. You already have a petrol / diesel car and you are looking for a second car
d. Generally travels alone (single person) Not so great if you are a person:
a. Who does not plan your trips well and would like to keep your plans flexible and deciding on Points of travel as you go along
b. Travel long distances - > 80
c. Does a lot of inter-city travel
d. More than two people use the car (family which is > 2 adults) Although the theoritical limit is 80 kms, one does not feel comfortable going the full distance as you are constantly worried. also remember, u have an effective 40 km one way range. A/C is not great; it has konked off three times in 6 months. Window design is poor; you cannot fully open it nor keep even your arm on the window. In a small car like this, it gives some comfort if you can rest your arm on the window. Initially when you drive this car, you feel a bit claustrophobic. but then you get used to it. Pls note you cannot charge this car in any power point (like a 5 amp - small and normal socket we use for ordinary electrical appliances).
You need a 15 amp socket (like the one used for Geysers, Motors, A/C). This is a bit of a pain. The wire they give you from charge point is very small. In case your power point is a bit distant, you have to manouvere and park your car well to get access to power point. The company should do more by setting up more power points across city for charging (just in case of emergency). Right now they have only one in Eva mall.
The hand brake they provide can be of better quality and reliability; it looks and operates in a very crude manner. This car is fantastic in traffic, particularly stop and go situations which you can drive very smoothly with this one. No stress at all. Overall, the car has got its limitations and problems. But a very smooth city car which is highly economical. It just costs Rs 40-50 paise per km...which car can offer you that !