Revive Instant Starch give stiffness, an expert protection against harmful bacteria. It can be used on washed clothes. Revive instant starch powder gives you the convenience of cold starch at home.Advantage of Revive was that it could be used in cold water.
Traditional starch needed warm water. It can be safe use of washing machine also. Revive is a type of fabric stiffener available in liquid and powder form . I use only liquid form as it will be easy to handle .Liquid forms an even transparent film on clothes. It make your cotton clothes soft and manageable and adds life to the fabric. It does not leave any patches on the colored fabrics. It instantly starches the cottons making it bright and soft. It can be used on terry-cottons and regular cottons
Maize starch granules, Amylose content, X-ray diffraction, Degree of crystallinity, Average chain length
By combining water to the revive powder in a bucket and mixing it continuously till the solvent has dissolved. Leave the starchy water for about ten minutes and stir again just to be on the safe side. Next just dip in the clothes one by one & leave for 15-20 minutes and hang them out to dry.
Very economical & worthy: 200gm - rs 52 . Recommend this for all