You look good , thats what your mirror tells you every morning , but let this complete unbiased opinion aside , whos to say that you couldnt look even better?
There is a way to improve your general appearance in couple of minute and at a relative low cost , IMPROVE the way you slap on that makeup.
The problem of selecting right make up was really eating away at me, Its so not that you can experiment different product on your sweet darling skin , so after hearing from many people and those one whom I trust , i decided to go for Revlon
Most of the revlon products are really far out, Like there Lipstics, Founadation , concealers ..., youll get lots of shades in them and so for eye make too , they do have wide collection to suit different skin tone
Also application of Revlon make up is not at all messy , it blend with your skin very fine, no cracks and dusting .
And the best about this product is that you can be sure that it wont harm your skin (unless if you u r a coach potato and sleeps with make up on :-))
Choose a primary color (the color you want to stand out the most) and use short strokes to cover your whole eyelid. Apply just enough pressure to lay the color down without caking it onto your lids. Be especially careful not get too close to the crease or your eyebrows.
To give your eyes a smoky look, choose a dark blue, gray, or black eyeshadow and brush it around the outer corners of your eyes and blend it into your primary eyeliner. Dont stray further than a quarter inch away from your eyes.
This product will never con you , but do alwayz remember to remove your make up before you try to catch some Zs , sleeping wearing your makeup in not a good treat for your skin
So do buy your eye make up remover along with your eyes makeup.