I dont know why India has to rave on and on about fair skin . Im from Singapore and nobody seems to care whether you are fair or dark. Basically, everybody here judges beauty on features and prominence and never has it been on the skin colour. Ive watched tons of Indian fairness commercials(especially fair and lovely which claims its darn good but in vain). They all seem to feature a fair lady who gains the guys and confidence after using the cream. Im utterly disgusted by that as how come that only happens in India?
Guys here or for that matter anywhere in the world seem to go out with girls who have personality and beauty(not fair skin). India should ban creams which prove no efficacy like fair and lovely and fairglow and all the thousand other lame creams india produces. Dont think I oppose fair skin and im all crap. I have a brown complexion and because of my confidence I seem to attract alot of guys. (not only fair girls get to do that) However, Indian television has given me the view that I will definitely not find any bollywood-type-like guy or any guy for that matter.
I think north Indians should stop wooing over fair skin and quit recruiting fair actresses. Its utterly abominable as I know of many north indians who are dusky.Bollywood has indeed demoralized many girls and will continue to do so with its candypop romances and unrealistic beauties. Actresses should not be cast for their skin colour but for their acting skills. As I write here with my speak only no actions attitude .... I hope Indians(in India) would realise that sometimes they act like fools and should not give way to that.
PS: south indian ladies do not smear on turmeric cream as just-did-it has described... Shes probably a prejudiced piece of crap as well