At the outset a small clarification this review is not only about Revlon fairness cream. This is about all fairness creams in the market including our own Fair and Lovely. Also this review is not about how good or bad these products are....but about how necessary these products are.
I have never travelled a great deal outside India, so I presume that, the notion Fair is beautiful is probably prevalent only here or may even extend to what is known as the Indian sub-continent. This presumption is based on the thinking that only in this part of the world, live a tribe of humans who dont fall into the distinct category of black or white when it comes to skin color. Also somewhere within me, is a sense of deep relief that fortunately or unfortunately I was not born as a member of the fairer sex ( now, now, dont brand me a sexist or a M.C.P). I say this because in a country like India, to be born as a woman with a darker complexion will bring along with it a complex - Inferiority complex.( This is just a general statement, if there is any Indian woman out there who is going to say No, I am dark but I dont give a Damn about hats off to you).
I really dont know when and where we as Indians succumbed to this theory of Fair being beautiful. Infact I can think of several not so fair(as in color of skin) people, who have been held by this Nation in high esteem for their contributions in various fields. But then it must be the effect of those multi-crore Ad campaigns that scream out from every possible space trying to make you believe that being dark is actually a curse, you will have to suffer rejection at the hands of guys, ridicule amongst your friends and so much so that you become a burden on your parents who have to struggle to get you married. ( These are the basic themes selected to market fairness creams in India).How very pathetic and ever wonder why the lead person in each of these television commercials or other Ads who wants to improve their skin color is always a girl ( especially a College going teenager???)....
A friend of mine, once told me that desire to try and make your skin fairer than it is, is not a new craze. He even went on to suggest that women from south (especially Tamilnadu) smear their face with Turmeric ( in its fresh ground form) to try and improve their skin colour. I once discussed this with a person who works in the Ayurvedic College and his opinion was that turmeric thats used on the skin helps mostly to clear the complexion, keeps the skin relatively healthy, prevents irritations/infections and most importantly has no side effects at all.
While on the topic I just cant resist pointing out the fact that some of our best actresses like the Late Smita Patil, Shabana Azmi, Nanditha Das are all dusky women, arent they beautiful. If you still dont agree then how about the unquestionable Glam queen of Bollywood, the Ultimate Rekha, she isnt the fairest(again as in skin color) of them all. Even on the international scene Naomi Campbell, Janet Jackson, Halle Berry....I can go on the list is endless of people who have proved that Black is also beautiful.
So let me get back to what I wanted to convey when I started this review. According to me buying these fairness creams at the exorbitant prices they are sold is a mere waste of money.Also Iam told by many of my friends who use these products that they have to be used on a regular basis to maintain the fairness they give. Its not like, you use it, become fair and forget it. If you are dark/ dusky and you feel low about it, then probably what you really need is:
i) a good book written by any famous author on how to get over your complexes or how to search for a winner within you. ( fair and lovely says it will make you a more confident person in 6 weeks, a good book can do that in 6 days)
ii) good friends who can tell you that a skin fairer than what you already have is not going to make you any better person than you already are within. Good friends can make you more confident in 6 hours ( maybe even lesser)
iii) some serious thought about all those people who are born with greater physical and mental handicaps and still living their life to the fullest, enjoying every minute of this gift called LIFE. ( good positive thoughts make you believe in yourself almost instantaneously)
.....and trust me none of the above have any negative side effects nor do they have a recurring cost.
PS: This review should not be read with any racial bias please. The author has respect for all humans and has not in any way attempted to hurt the sentiments of any person or section of people.