I am currently using Revlons Touch & Glow Lotion and I think this is better when compared to any other sunscreen or moisturizing products available in the market..Earlier I used Lakme Sunscreen, it forms as a layer on d face even after washing it left a sticky feel.Then I used Synergy, LOTUS Moisturizing with shebutter but I m not satisfied.Latr i went to the dermatologist n taken a medical sunscreen from getting tanned in summer but it turned waste of my consultation fee.
I got feed up n taught of going for herbal n tryed BIOTEC Carrot cream its ok, but many times it made me feel tat i applyed foundation instead of cream.So i shifted to SHAHNAZ SUNBLOCKn started using it BUT to my disaster I got tanned double then before.After 4 days of application my frend walked up to me n said I am looking darker n warned not to use it as she faced the similar kind.
I then realised not to experiment with the creams r with the brand that claims they r herbal n great for the skin n promises safety from sunrays. So I gave up all the brands n stoped using creams for few months. I just used to cover my face n head with a scarf while stepping out in to the hot sun but in the nite I used only baby cream befor bed.
But its hard to avoid for a long time...... with great difficulty I convinced myself for going to REVLON, n I finally felt this is what the cream m looking for.! .Its not so sticky kind or forms layer after appling and it will take 60 mins for me to travel on my bike so it did justice to my skin, , safeguarding me from sunrays..
I am very much happy with this and will make sure not to change this product.
Note: Use J & J baby powder after applying any creams.it will keep your skin feel good after returning back from outside.