Chetan disappoints here with everything: his wittiness, his awesome examples and references everything.Though he had a nice plot, but he wasted time in telling how an institute is established with all details, including who are the persons and departments you need to bribe before opening an institute. This time he went for cliche writing style, it lacks Bhagats style and yes Boldness too. Every moment of this book remembers of different scenes and incidents of various films. Im scared some one will shout and say Chetan you have stole the story of our film.
Ill sue you, trust me. The book is filmy upto that extent. I guess its enough. I dont want to type more words. By the way I read this book of 296 pages in one go, from 10:00 pm in the night till 5:00 in the morning, expecting something better to read. Well I got my morning coffee with disappointed mind..