As I start writing this review, the first thing that comes to my mind is whats so special about this album?? Well, as I see it, this is where the Beatles graduated from a pop band, catering to all the teenaged girls, to one of the best rock bands. The seeds were sown in their previous album - Rubber Soul - but its here where they really launched into it....experimenting with more sounds, writing songs with what came to their mind and the way they felt. Perhaps being an established band, they could afford to do it now...and believe me, they havent wasted on this opportunity.
For those who still know Beatles for singing mushy love songs like Cant buy me love, this album wouldnt be a bad place to start. Next in line can be Abbey Road, Sgt Peppers and White Album (in no particular order though).This one is special for the amazing atmosphere it creates.
Let me get to the track listing straight. My head is filled with so much to tell about the songs more than anything else.
Revolver showed that the Beatles now had a third highly capable songwriter in their midst. Taxman was written when George, by now in the highest possible tax bracket, found out how much of his income was being taken away in tax payments by the British Govt. As he sings
If you drive a car, Ill tax the street,
If you try to sit, Ill tax your seat.
If you get too cold Ill tax the heat,
If you take a walk, Ill tax your feet.
it clearly reveals his misery..Poor George!
Eleanor Rigby
This one is an ode to loneliness. Talks about a lonely Eleanor Rigby and equally lonely Father in a church. The air of melancholy created by the song transforms it into one of the most haunting records. An outstanding song by Paul.
Im only sleeping
Some of the journalist were already labelling John Lennon as probably the laziest person in England. The lazily strummed guitar and chorus melody lagging behind the beat evokes the feeling of a holiday, when you just dont cant drag yourself out of the bed.
Love to You
Georges second contribution to the album showcases his continued interest in Indian music. George himself plays the sitar, while Indian musician Anil Bhagwat plays the tabla.
Here, There and Everywhere
This one is inspired by Paul McCartneys relationship with Jane Asher. Many believe it was his reply to Beach Boys God Only Knows, an attempt to capture the same mood. Guess what, Lennon had declared later that this is his favourite song the Beatles ever recorded!!
Yellow Submarine
While many have attempted to furnish it with some mystic or drug-related meaning, Pauls Yellow Submarine, sung by Ringo, was simply intended to be a childrens song. Id be surprised to know if you havent listened to this one yet.
She said, She said
It was Lennon who was knee down experimenting with drugs when other Beatles were not even considering it. It was one of his trips with Byrds and actor Peter Fonda when Lennon heard Fonda say I know what its like to be dead. Lennon looks at him and says Youre making me feel like Ive never been born...and a song is born! Beautifully crafted lyrics and yes Lennons voice.
Good day sunshine
Written by Paul. Another evidence of the band getting inspired by whatever is going around. This ones supposed to be inspired by songs of The Lovin Spoonful.
And Your Bird Can Sing
This features some amazing guitar riffs by George and Lennon. And the lyrics show the emptiness of a materialistic life.
You say youve got everything you want, and your bird can sing, but you dont get me, you dont get me
You say youve seen the seven wonders, and your bird is green, but you cant see me, you cant see me
For No One
Pauls For No One is a poignant flashback to the point where a relationship was about to end. Clearly, during all these years Paul had mastered the art of detailing difficult emotional issues in a simple and coherent manner.
Dr Robert
If youre down hell pick you up, Doctor Robert, take a drink from his special cup, Doctor Robert
There was a doctor in New York who cured everyone of everything with his pills and tranquilizers.. he just kept them high. Lennon being himself one of his patients, wrote this song about the doctor and the wonders he could do.
I Want To Tell You
The third fine contribution by George Harrison in the album. I Want to Tell You is an attempt to describe the frustration of being unable to articulate your thoughts - another phenomenon associated with the use of acid.
Got to Get You into mY Life
This can easily be passed as a love song, as I myself believed for long. Actually, its not. The songs meanings referred to the use of acid. And Paul was the last one to try it. LSD was that which he had to get in his life.
Tomorrow Never Knows
My personal favourite in the album and perhaps the greatest psychedelic piece ever recorded. Its a plain and simple effort by John Lennon to capture the sensation of an acid trip. The song revolves around a raga-type repetitive rhythm layered with randomly found sounds. Johnss original idea was that his vocal should be hidden among voices that sounded like a chorus of Tibetan monks chanting on the mountain top.
listen to the color of your dreams, it is not living, it is not living
Or play the game, existence to the end, of the beginning, of the beginning,
Of the beginning, of the beginning, of the beginning, of the beginning