Robert kiyoski is one author I find which know actually where people of world are going.I salutes to him.
Rich Dad Poor Dad is not book to become rich overnight but it is more than that.
People cannot be rich by just having lots of money they can be rich when they are happy.
Robert has hinted out how people are busy with lots of work to make life easy but find themselves in debt trap and teach same things to new generation.It also hint out the education at primary level which give guidance on how to work hard not money smart.
There was a classic example of an a financial manager at a company who by his knowledge and strength make good restructuring on debt of company saving crores of rupees but his own debt was increasing that time.How this smart man never understand that the work he was doing for his company was first needed for himself.
Rich Dad Poor Dad books revolves around simple fundamentals which every person should know.As I am from commerce field it take no time to me to understand what robert want to convey to us but it is not difficult for anyone to understand the facts in the book.
How simple financial things can change your life and your generation makes more important for all.
People always go more frightened when there is some market panic and get over borrowed when there is some good market conditions.This books can help you how u can make good investment decision
Books just by reading cannot change you but they can change you when you act what it advice to do.
This is one book who has change my thinking againts life and I look more easy now.Now my brain is getting newer and newer idea day by day and I m getting hold of it.Reading advisable for every person.
Books features:
1)simple language
3)not hyped
This book should be read by commerce people also..
unlimited to this book.if u want more details just mail me.