Today, I am going to review the book RICH DAD POOR DAD. The book is best seller and #1 in Personal Finance book of All time. written by Robert T. Kiyosaki
This book is all about What the Rich teach their kids that the Middle class and Poor do not. The author has depicted his life story in this book. Formal education is important but Financial education is equally important.
The author was born and brought up in a middle class family but his will to become rich and retire at a very young age has taken him to follow his friends father who is a businessman and later became the richest one in MIAMI. The author has explained the concepts in an easy manner with the help of stories and with diagrams where needed.
Binding this up I will say that this book is a must read for those who wand to be rich and financially free. It will e helpful for young entrepreneurs as well.
Happy reading