Well the book does make you realize of what you had done, & what you are doing with your money, and consequently where you are heading towards financially.
Author has explained what are liabilities and assets
Assets - are money earning investments(investing in stocks or in a business which does not require your presence in person for execution, etc)
Liabilities - are money depleting investments(for e.g. buying a bungalow from loan and paying the loan for the next 15 - 20 years)
So, the author says -
Poor dont have money to invest
Middle Class invests in liabilities thinking that they are assets
Rich invests in assets.
But all in all, the author could not provide any tangible means or ways or ideas to increase ones income. All the author could manage are a few real estate examples(which often felt pure fiction to me). But all of us cannot be real estate agents right, Mr. Robert.
My takeaway from the book was, try to invest as much as possible.
Also if all these years you have been deciding to start a business, then better give it a shot; starting with doing it on part time basis. The money you are earning from your investments is your real income, and one should focus on increasing that.
The book certainly falls inread it once category. Dont buy the book, lend from someone and read.I dont recommend buying this book, because you will never actually need to refer it again.The ideas are so simple and straightforward, that one reading is enough.