Well here we are...i just came across a review of Kiyosakis Rich Dad Poor Dad and just had to write a review:
About the author:
Robert T Kiyosaki:
Born in 1947. Early life is uncertain and not very clear on specifics. Worked as a salesman in Xerox in 1974 selling copiers. Started two companies which were moderately profitable and in the year 1992 wrote the book " if you want to be rich dont go to school " and then followed it up with another one called "Rich Dad Poor Dad." in the year 1997. And the rest as they say is history....
Most people come to me and ask me if I had read Rich Dad Poor Dad, and when they ask me how I felt about it or did it help me make money...i just look at them and ask them how can a book help you get rich...and furthermore that the book is just some bullshit artists pipe dream. They look back in horror, they have never heard me speak in harsh tones about any book. They think that every self made man has got some help from Rich Dad Poor Dad. How did this come about...well here is my analysis... I have a lot more than 8000 characters to talk about Robert Kiyosaki but I would have to refrain myself here.
There are none in any of his books.His books are filled with cliches which have been with us since almost 300 years. Most people say that the book and the rest of the series is based on his life. Again Kiyosaki himself once admitted that the events in the book are real. But on real investigation and on further questioning he admitted that some of it was fabricated..and on later probing he even told that Rich Dad doesnt exist...and even compared him to Harry Potter saying that why dont we just think of the idea and says that we are missing the point of the book...I got one question Mr Kiyosaki...What is the POINT???? Do your books explain how to make money...NO...how to save money...NO....is it based on real events...NO....was Rich Dad Real...well he was as real as Harry Potter...Then tell me Mr. Kiyosaki...what is a book of fiction doing on the non fiction bestseller list???
What do you know about Kiyosaki before Rich Dad Poor Dad...was he rich as he claims he was...did he invest in real estate as he claims he did...or was the helicopter pilot captain he boldly claims....the answer is a huge blatant NO...his books are nothing but sayings like dont work for money..let money work for you....and money is power...and money is that and money is this....but eventually he doesnt explain what money really is. His claims of him being rich have never been proved...some of his claims are also so laughable...he once claimed he was worth between 200-400 millions depending on the time of the day...what he wanted to imply is that most of his money is in stock and that since the price of the stock varies so does his worth. Any investor will tell you this is so full of shit. He calls himself a financial guru and a mastermind...and yet his total worth either halves or doubles in the same day "depending on the time of the day" I ask you this...what stocks have you bought...Snake Oil??? that the total value of the stocks half or double in the same day...not a very good guru is he...he says he keeps all his riches secret bcause he doesnt want himself sued because he is that rich...well this is the same person who wrote a book on how to get rich. He claims he is a real estate genius and claims of having properties worth 200 million...none of them have been verified. Why...because they would sue him.
How Kiyosaki got rich??? Through sales of Rich Dad Poor Dad...widely marketed by MLM giants Amway who in turn got new network agents....that is his only source of income....and to people who dont want to see the facts...i got a question...do you know or heard of a single person who has followed RTK and RDPD and it somehow improved his finances...or I got a better one...tell me how RTK or RDPD has made you look at your finances and analyse it...give me specifics...dont paraphrase RTK and give me ambigious answers...finance and its analysis is very specific...not just writing a series of books like a story and playing around with the sentiments of the buyers. Most people buy RDPD to get rich...and when they realise that it doesnt really help you do it...they start looking at it for ideas to get rich...and when they realise that it doesnt do that...then they realise that they have been had and dont want to agree that they have been had and tell their friends about what a great book RDPD is and what a genus RTK is...all the while knowing that the book hasnt done anything for them at all....
The entire book is a piece of fiction....the CEO of Jalwa Events Ltd Mr. Sandeep Nath a huge RTK and RDPD fan and hence also a major agent of Network 21 once told me...all that is fine Rahul but why dont you take the book for what it gives you....well the book is a piece of crap utilising the publics weakness for these books which help us to get rich easily...can ordinary people get rich...yeah sure...does kiyosakis book help...NO...is it as easy as the books suggests...NO way in hell...can it be done as fast as he says legally...NOPE...is education a waste....most CEOs are MBA graduates...guess they have all wasted their time.
THE Final Word
MOST DISGUSTING BOOK AND TWISTER OF WORDS....one reader also once told...he is a genius for converting 3-4 paragraphs of financial cliches into a platitude of books....