This is one book which I wish you must read, whether you are a professional, businessman, student, in job(govt. or private). Because our educational institutes dont teach our children about money, which is so essential to be a successful person in life.
To understand financial literacy, you should read it.
Kiyosaki has exploded the myths that you need to earn a high income to become rich. Also he challenges our belief that our house is an asset. In fact he teaches us the trick what ever rich Dad teaches to his son. He also suggests the middle classes to move away from their long held desire for job security and to become more entrepreneurial.
In fact it is a must read for anyone who wish to attain material success and this book will also help in breaking the shackles of outdated beliefs.
The language of the book is simple and lucid. With 10 chapters and 243 pages it has the capacity to bring a sea change in your life.