Hello friends, this review is about a big revoution in the field of finance i.e. RICH DAD POOR DAD written by very famous businessman and investor ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI. HE has shared his experience what he learnt by his real dad ( poor dad) who was an educationist and his friends father ( rich dad) who is not so educated but had a very good business.
His real father is always imposing his ideas over robert that study well by which you can earn a very good amount of money and people will raspect you. But this is the way on which all people are working
His rich dad used to share his experiences and want to teach them the smarter way to make money which is unconventional way of income that time.
In this book kiyosaki has been cleared the real difference between acedamic education and financial education .
He cleared that how people are running into a rat trap. We should have to teach the role of money and how it is important for youngesters.
How cash flow is working. What is the basic difference between assets and liabilities. Maximum people are thinking that they are generating assets by doing services but actually they are increasing liabilities only. But when they come to know this fact it is usually too late.
So I will recommand all of you specially students please purchase this book and learn how money plays important role in everyone life and how can we become a successful person in our lives.
This book is and impact on orthodox eduvation system also who are taking lakhs of money but not making worthy eductional system for us.
I can say that this book is a masterpiece by robert t. Kiyosaki sir.
Thank you!