If you are ready to risk your heath, only then you shouldproceed for RICHFEEL hair clinic.
Don’t get all fooled by their free tricology test &consultancy ad as I did. If you want to try you can go their clinic and everyone form office boy to their fake doc. Every one will give you one standard speech, and somehow will blame your eating habits or sleeping habits yoursmoking responsible for your hair fall.
If they don’t have any reason (as in mycase) to blame they will blame stress, no matter how much you’ll ring your headand cant find a single reason for your stress (as I did ) but still they willmake you believe you have stress. Once you’re fooled and you’re in theirbottle, they’ll tell you that you cant regrow the hair but yes we can increasethe diameter of your hair and also if you’re having hairfall at the speed of100kmph we will reduce it by 10kmph.
These are one of the standard lines thesemorons will tell no matter its some chaprasi or head of their organization Dr.Shah.But the most important thing they wont tell you is that you can KIDNEY STONEbecause of their medicines. Yes if you continue their medicine for more than 3months you’ll develop kidney stones no matter what is your age. Although theywill keep telling you to drink more water, aroung 4litre a day, first you’llthink they are insane but that’s the reason they will insist you to have 4litreof water and 1 glass of coconut water(which prevents KIDNEY STONE).
There is nowild connection between good hair and coconut water, but the only reason theywant you to have it, is to prevent kidney stone formation atleast till your’rewith them. I have undergone the pain of KIDNEY STONE gifted to me by the sickmedicine of this clinic. If you are ready to take that risk go ahead. I canassure I have much better hair after searching internet and by some good home remidies, which areabsolutely safe then risking your health goin to this clinic.