I am Happy to Hear that everybody has Problems with Richfeel Trichology Centre....they are indeed fake & is just a Money Minting Mechanism. Playing with Mental & Financial sentiments of People.They Feel Rich themselves apart from the patients who visit them.
As in my story I had a Very healthy & Beautiful Hair on my Scalp but as I suffered from chronic collitis a few years back my health started detriorating.Oxygen level in the Blood gusted down & Hence started suffering from Hairfall..
All my healthy hair started turning into sick hair & Itching, Flaking, dandruff also Continuous hairfall remained for almost 2 yrs. This made me Stressed along with the Studies..I went for Help at Richfeel Centre - Bandra to pocket out my money to those Suckers.Initailly They Gave Me External Applications & Some Useless Advice on Nutrition..
The Name Applications sound unique as Jaborandi Oil, arnica Shampoo & all Bullshit..( My semen is better than those).They Pumped arnd 3000 Bucks from..but I was Lucky enuff to catch their fraud fast...Stopped their treatment..These People Use to call me for appointments. After few weeks I stopped their calls..GUYs have anybody seen any Clinic Calling up their patients N number of times even he doesnt respond on a +ve note..These Richfeel people do bcoz they want money nehow..
This shows they r greedy..Enuff of their Sheet NowAfter Cursing my health n This RF people I did some research on why any Kind of Hair Problem Occurs..Their are only Two Reasons 1.Lack Of Blood Travelling towards Head & Scalp2.Nutrional Deficiency (Faulty Lifestyle)This made me do some more research & finally got to know that Baba Ramdevs Pranayam Helps outespecially the ANULO-VILOM (Alternate Breathing)Check it out here https://youtube.com/watch?v=-v1WN_0blFAafter following his practices for 3 months my hair started coming back much healthier than earlier it used to be & much Thicker.
Also Overall Body Improved I Gained weight, improved eyesight, etcLast but not the lest Guys fuhget this Richfeel & If u Seriously wanna feel rich start following Baba Ramdevs Pranayam & haan Do include Garlic in your food as it contains Sulphur which is imp for hair.God Bless you Guys!!!!!!Love