Hello one and all, sorry it took me a long time to add this review up I was writing my review before and some how my internet played up on me and I lost the whole thing. Oh well here is my second attempt at this movie. Well I was very excited about this movie Al pachino and Robert DeNiro in a movie after the great movie “Heat” They also stared together in Godfather 2 this was when they where in there prime but they never really met in the movie. Many people have debaited who is the better actor Al Pachino or De Niro, mostly it has been split of which actor is the better actor. Will this movie decide who is actully the better actor, Well no it does not at all because both actors are past there primes and for them to act well they need a good solid script and story, which I am affraid this movie does not have at all. I was Very excited about two legends coming together and watching an amazing movie. Also if the movie was not meant to be that great I was expecting great acting, but unfortuntely I did not get that as well.
The story is a very big disapointment, its basically about a killer cop who kills people and writes poems to them after they are killed and leaves it with there bodies. The film is very boring indeed Al and DeNiro are partners, and turn away now if you do not want any spoilers, you know the killer is atleast one of them otherwise the twist would not be so huge at the end because it can’t be anyone else otherwise it would not be a shocker as they are the two big names in the movie. So through out the movie the finger is pointed to Robert DeNiro in the movie as to being the killer. So now you know it can not be him because who ever the killer is pointed to in the movie its not them. Then you start thinking its Al Pachino as he has less screen time. Also when he showed De niro his notebook that he said was a secret I knew stright away it was Al Pachino as the killer. I also called it, I said in that notebook he has notes of all the poems he wrote. The problem with this story is that its way too boring and fails to keep your interest, RIGHTEOUS KILL is just a movie to have two big actors next to each other just for the hype. I bet evan before making the film or deciding on the script they had Al pachino and DeNiro in mind.
The movie is just there to see them two on screen together, thats all its there for. They were thinking "Sod the script, we have these two so the movie should work"...WRONG! in order for a good movie to be made the story has to be solid, this movie is predictable and slow as hell. Also when the climax hits you, the problem is you are not caring who the killer is. It was not like "oh my god Al pachino is playing a negertive chrecter". The movie does not intrest you and trust me I have never walked out a movie in my life but I so was going to walk out this one as I was dazing off.
As for acting both DeNiro And Al Pachino Sleepwalk through the whole film, They have so much scenes together that it clearly shows the director only wanted to show a film with these both actors together on one screen. Al Pachino does better as he was not as much over the top as DeNiro. But both did below average in my view and I expected so much better. When you hear either two of these names you expect great acting. I was getting two of the best actors in the world in a movie together so I was either garantied something great and I walked out disapointed. 50 cent was also there and he can not act for nothing, he looked a miss cast and he was anoying.
Overal without a doubht one hell of a boring and very predictable movie, I will give some points for one or two good scenes, but overal its a big disappointment. It is just one of those boring cop movies that has been done before, but this is different. This is far more boring and far more predictable what were Al and DeNiro thinking when signing this movie? God help you if you go watch this movie very disappointing.