If you think about the phone and think about the price it will be really speechless to you. But if you order this phone you will get that after 4 months this is really a bad side of this phone. But it really to cheap 251/- rs. I think that it is a scam cauz in this tooo cheap pruce they cant sell that phone. An avarage quality android phones batterys price is around 300-500 INR. So if they really giving that phone at this low price then it is going to be very very good.
When I was ordeing that the website was crashed so my order was not done. So I am fewling good that my order is not done. If the phone will come then truely good for us. I will wait for 4 months then if indian citizens got their freedom 251 then I will surely order some of those mobile phones. I watched many videos on you tube and I saw that some of the you tubers are. Unboxing the mobile and reviewing that and some of the you tubers are telling about the phone so I will to all people do not buy this right now wait for few days then if you see that it is safe the. Surely go for it. Thank you!