Ringing bells! Has anyone really heard about them?
Yes, they are the manufacturer of Freedom 251. There is no issue on selling a phone @Rs.251/- under make in India campaign, but there is a issue when something costing Rs.2500 approx is being sold at 1/10th of the cost. There are many questions that needs to be Faizabad to make the things crystal clear.
Whether the product is subsidised? Or whether actually the cost is so low so that the product could be sold @Rs. 251/-? Or whether the company is generous enough to make losses for promoting make in India?
Whether there is any system which ensures that the mobile phones at this cost are handed to the people who actually need this?
If yes, are those people smart enough to handle this hi-tech phone?
Why there is a preaishwaryasingh23ment system and not COD system? Why the phone would be delivered after 4 months and not now? Why the terms and conditions state that if for any reason phone is not deliver, refund would be made?
How does it ensures that mobile parts of freedom 251( if subsidised) would not be used by other mobile manufacturers in the sense that they wont theft high cost parts of low priced phone? Its our subsidy after all.