Hehe , this programme says it all. Produced by Dean Cain, RIPLEYS BELIEVE IT OR NOT is not just a Freaky programme ... but is indeed a window to the much wierder and unnoticed side of the world ..... probably an UNIMAGINABLE side.
Man has got so used to society that he forgets that its only his physical and subconcious state thats glued to society not his inner mind. The mind which can stretch to so many horizons .... unnoticed ... unimagined which creates waves of desires to break the SOCIETY BARRIERS.
This show castes such amazing episodes about such fabulous , creeepy and whacky stuff that people around the world keep doing ..which is not a fiction nor is it an animation ...its REALITY. A reality which leaves u speechless with nothing but the phrase .. OH MY GOD .... BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!! .
Thanks to RIPLEYS , today our world has progressed into a positive attitude regarding being whacky .... and also accepted that U NEVER KNOW WHAT EACH ONE OF US MAY END UP DOING ......... I mean we have finally agreeed that we can go to no extents of wilderness and infact we now look forward to it ..... BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!! ;)