For a "celebrity" chef and all the hoopala around the launch, it turned out to be quite a damp squid. 4 of us went for dinner - 3 veg and I the lone omnivour. We ordered - 1 pizza, 1 pasta (with pesto sauce), 1 lasagna and 1 chicken dish. The pizza had an amazingly thin crust and was yummy. So was the pasta - just about rightly flavoured. But the big let down was the lasagna.
Lasagna in its purest form is cooked & served in a ceremic dish where its cheese clings and caramalises. That slightly brown cheese adds an amazing texture to the lasagna. Here it was served in some kind of "roll" in a plate - it took away the whole charm of eating a lasagna. The taste too was far from what would be expected from a "master chef".
Less said about the chicken - the better. It was under cooked and over spiced - more like the chicken mistakenly fell in to a cauldron of greenish gravy.
I must just say - I was left hungry in my stomach and heart.