The RKB show in the channel Sahara Mumbai is telecasted daily and it is a live show. The name RKB is the short form of Mr. Rahul. K. Bajaj, who is the host of this show. He does a commendable job of bringing in celebrities from different fields. He chats with the guests elaborately and with such an ease and he also gives equal chance to the guests to express themselves. Viewers can send their queries through SMS which are read by Mr. RKB and answered by the guests.
As the host of this show, Mr. RKB is excellent. I am a regular viewer of this show. I personally lilked the interview with Mr. Kumar Shanu, Mr. Lucky Ali and the singer of the song Allah Ke Bandhe. Apart from being great artists, they all seem to be wonderful human beings too. Kudos to Mr. RKB for bringing such wonderful people in this show.
The news in this channel is also very interesting and the presentation of the weather forecast is very innovative. I would recommend this show to all the viewers. It is a show meant for general people.