There I recently came across this business model though one of my friend. The rationale of this business is nothing but create more members whose membership money is distributed to those who have already become the members (fools). The company is giving the products stating these matches the membership fees which is not the case. I have also come across few complaints about the products being distributed.
The take home point is you will earn commission as long as you make other fools & share there membership fees as commission. End of the day the promotors of the company making money by selling products at a higher level. The members who are in the early chain are the gainers & you nenver know when this chain stops & you become the last BAKARA !!!
People start becoming members thinking they will earn lot of commission which is true as long as you create members. Once this is stoped no one will get the commission and the entire chain breaks. We should appreciate the person who created this logic & built his business around this logic.