*1. The desire and need for money
*There must be a genuine aspiration to make big amount of money and not just enough to get by. The tendency for persons with no craving for big money is to lie idle and, worst of all, quit when the going gets rough. No matter what they say about money being the root of all evil, RMP considers it a good motivating factor.
2. Willingness to spend sufficient time for the business
Whether you are a part-time or full-time RMP business distributor, the eagerness to devote enough time is what makes the job worthwhile. Consider also the time you need to spend for training, which is a very important tool to succeed.
3. Talking to people enthusiastically as often as necessary
This is where RMP Infotec MLM excels, in taking time to talk to people everyday. In this kind of business, the people are your market. The greater the number of people you talk to each day determines your desire to succeed. Talking and conversing is not easy, learn the art of talking.
4. Accumulation of proper wealth
Wealth does not refer to money alone. In RMP business, your contact is your wealth because they are your connection. A good connection makes successful business dealing.