Dear Myntra, Flipkart & Roadster team,
Ive been a regular customer of yours and have bought number of clothing items from your online stores. I want to bring to your notice a Roadster Jeans that I bought from Myntra(see order details attached). The jeans is defective and it started wearing out from day one. I might have worn the jeans maybe 7-8 times and washed it couple of times.
Attached to the mail are the pics of the defective jeans. Loose threads, holes have appeared which Ive never witnessed before with any of my jeans(includes other Roadster jeans I own). I managed with it anyways thinking it might just be a small bad patch of cloth/threads.
Your jeans today gave up on me. I was on my way to a meeting and gaping hole of around 7-8 inches appeared near the zip when I sat on a bike. The threads gave up. I had to manage somehow to cover it with my shirt and go about the meeting. Your jeans and your product has really embarrassed me and Im really pissed about it, angry about how such a multi-million dollar company with stringent QC in place can pass such a useless piece of cloth as Denim.
I want to know your thoughts before I continue to pursue this legally and take it to its logical end. Ill make sure that people who have caused me this embarrassment are answerable to this disaster.
Thank you.