Roadster is a brand of clothing of both men and women which is only available through online shopping sites like Myntra and Flipkart.
The clothing’s are very affordable and very fashionable. I brought a few jeans and tees from this brand from Myntra.
The quality is very good and comfortable to wear.A jeans of roadster will cost maximum upto 1400. There is always some kind of sale in Myntra and you get the jeans at a price of approx 900 to 1200. The jeans are very well fitted. The quality of the clothing’s are very good. They are very comfortable to wear.
The shirts and T-shirt are very good. I am totally in love with this brand. I brought a blue collar T-shirt for 300 bucks and you wouldn’t believe the quality. The price fits in the pocket.
I will definitely recommend this brand.