The exciting adventures of Robinson Crusoe are based on the real life adventures and experiences of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor who was stranded on an uninhabited island off the coast of Chile in the year of 1704. Alexander was rescued by a ship from England after four years and six months.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE STORY
Born in New York, Robinson Crusoe has always wanted to be a sailor. But his father thinks that a sailors life is very dangerous and wants his son to be a lawyer. Without heeding his concerned Dads advice, Robinson runs away from home. Some time after the ship leaves the harbour, a violent storm occurs. The tossing ship and unmerciful sea lashing at the ship makes Robinson very ill.
But the sea soon grows calm and rescue ships save the group of friends. Robinson is given the choise of either returning home or sailing forward to England. His answer changes his destiny and soon he is stranded on a lonely and uninhabited Island with nothing but his wits to keep him company. What with storms, cannibals, earthquakes and mutineers, this book is full of action and adventure from the start to the finish.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONS
There are a few boring parts in the unabridged version. But otherwise, the book is nice.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE AUTHOR
Daniel Defoes Writing style is good. He has given some unexpected surprises and an enjoyable and adventurous account of how Crusoe survives in so many unfavourable conditions. Daniel Defoes first novel Robinson Crusoe became one of the best adventure stories in the world. He also wrote four more novels about Robinson but none were as successful as the first one.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT I THINK ABOUT IT
I think it is a spellbinding book. I also feel that it can be enjoyed by both Children and Adults.