Enjoyment of Enthiran is 50% of Chandramukhi. It is equal to 50% of Anniyan in terms of entertainment. Songs are disappointing due to poor tunes. No melody, only sound. Background score and sound is excellent. Cinematography is okey but not excellent.
Rajini did his job well. He did according to the requirements of the role. However, it is not a feast for Rajini fans. There is a little room for romance. Even though Aish is present, romantic scenes are not pleasing.
Plot is plain and simple. Animation part is amazing. Last 25% of the movie is enjoyable and worth the tickets. Story is 100% original and no part of the movie is imitating any hollywood movie.
It is not up to the mark of Sankar capability. Leave Rajini fans, it fails to stand as an excellent movie for common cinema goers. It is a good movie but not mind blowingly entertained.