This is one of the movie that talk about the lower numbers and their values.Imagine where the low grades or the small/odd workers are not there at all?This is exactly two sides of the same coin.How could one can value any coin if any one of the side is missing so similarly we always have to remember, value people on the other side.The judgement should not be on the basis of material things but due do human values, human part.
This movie ROCKET SING is about this other side without which we will never ever know the importance of anything in life, we will never know the differentation of dark and light, good and evil, right and wrong etc.Those who are emotionaly sensitive and have liking for human emotions this is for them.According to me its one of the good, A grade movie and the whole movie well carried by Ranbir Kapoor.The missing side was some good musci and few good punches.The best line was about the use of zero and practically thats matter a lot how we let others treat ourselves.
Over all a great movie.