John Abraham has returned to the silver screen with yet another action film. Shruti Hasan plays the role of his wife. In Goa, Johns character Kabir goes after the people who have kidnapped a 8 year old girl. The setting is Goa, which has become the favorite of hindi film makers in the last few years. They make Goa look like a battleground ruled by mafia and drug lords. the action scenes were good but that is about it, as after few minutes the bloodshed starts to appear as irrelevant and unrealistic.
John Abrahams last films like Force and Madras Cafe belonged to a similar genre, but at least they had the backing of a better plot. Which is lacking in Rocky handsome and it made 2 hours seems like an awful lot of time. Goa is more like Gotham city where criminals rule day and night. The films poor storyline teamed with illogical blood bath became hard to bear after a few minutes.
Rocky handsome is a film that is not good enough for your time or money.