Rocky V is amazing but how the hell do we get to review about the new rocky movies it came out wednesday and reviews are posertive! Rotten Tamatoes have already got a review section it I was hoping mouth shut has one too but it does not. I want to review the movie who do I contact to do that please can anyone reply to me and not complain about what I have wrote. the movie is out and still there is no section I can review the movie its very bad I must say and it need to come up fast.!
Rocky v was amazing street fight was awsome so was the story and the scene between him and micky in the gym most emotional scene I have ever seen in my life. Street fight gave me gossebumps when I saw it
rocky balboa the new movie is amazing and its the suprise hit of the year amazing film better then any movie this year just admit it people if you want rocky back just say it, the movie aint bad at all infact you will be kicking yourself if you where one of the critics that pulled rocky down rocky is always an underdog in the movies and the box office people always pull him down in the movie and in real life..rocky balboa has gone the distance