The film Rok Sako To Rok Lo is out rightly a winner with its target audience. RSTRL, though less likely to tickle the mature sanity of the seniors, is capable of effectively titillating the juvenile wits of the young. But if you?ve decided and hit your target audience, it?s a prudent contraption.
The packaging and look & feel of the film is rich & colorful. The faces look fresh. The biggest trump card of the film is its music. All songs are urbanely melodious and better than each other. They also fit into the situations quite well. Cinematography and lighting is top of the line.
The story of the film is also encapsulating. Where few casual viewers relate the story to Jo Jita? I think it shall be unfair to draw this parallel. A film cannot be baptized a copy only because a similar event happened in another film? it?s very convenient to say so? In that case all love stories are copies of each other, all films that use motorbikes or cars as heroic props are.. all war films are.. all period films are? and so on.
Rok Sako To Rok Lo stands out by sheer quality of its production. The scenes depicting immature love are directed with dense maturity. Debutante director Arindam Chaudhuri does not make the audience feel he?s a first timer. He has made the film with refined finesse. For someone directing his first film, that too with first timers in the lead role and a heavyweight to manage in a special role, it?s a directorial triumph.
Rok Sako.. leaves behind a positive taste and cuts like a warm knife in butter.. throughout its duration. It?s a good family entertainer especially if you have school going kids in your family. I hope more such films are made in India that not only entertain but also leave behind a strong message and cuts away from the usual and boring. All brawny points to Rok Sako..