Rome-for the romantic. Rome for the roamer. Rome for the rich. But to me Rome was a dreamers paradise. The town that boasts of not one, not two but several historical and cultural monuments. Theres no doubt about it: Rome means
history. In this city a phenomenal concentration of history, legend and monuments coexist with an equally phenomenal concentration of people busily going about their
everyday life. Its hard to say what youll find most breathtaking about the eternal city, it has so much to offer for the traveller. Thankfully, the popular monuments are all at walking distance from one another. Romes most celebrated sights are the Roman Forum, The Collosseum, The Pantheon, The Trevi Fountain, as well as basilicas of
St. Peter at Vatican City , St.Paul, St Mary Major, Sistine Chapel . In addition there are innumerable piazzas, the famous being Piazza Navona. If you love wandering to marvel at a city adorned with thousands of marble figurines, narrow streets of cobbled stone, where in every nook and corner or squares there are ornate fountains encountered. Rome is what you need. A beautiful city that breaths and breaths art alone.