My experience with this place has been terrible. The staff is very uncourteous and rude. They do not even suggest the dishes and force you to choose their buffet option as it is more lucrative for them. However all of us did not choose it. They took nearly 30 minutes to take the order as we did not go for the Buffet option. Then when the few people who opted for the Buffet option started their dinner, they kept staring at the table to see if the others are sharing the food even if the others have given their separate orders. When one of the persons just took a bite, the staff came up and very rudely told us not to share.
They came up in a group and started screaming very loudly.
In the meantime we met up other couple who had reserved the place and were waiting for more than an hour with no luck.
We were so upset, that we paid the entire money and walked out without eating.
Outside this place they have put up a board saying they value every customer, I would suggest they remove this
My suggestion to others is a NO NO to this place. Our entire weekend was spoilt with this place