Title: The Roswell Incident
Written by Charles Berlitz and William Moore.
Pictures taken by James B. Johnson.
Published in 1980.
I paid $2.00 CAD, for hard covered book, that I bought at a second had book shop.
ISBN # 0425126021
My review
The book begins in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on July 7, 1947..
Linda Sleppy, who works for KOAT, (a radio station), is sitting by the teletype machine, waiting for the messages, about the news.
The phone rings, and Linda picks it up. Johnny McBoyle, (a reporter), is calling her.
He says, Lydia, get ready for a scoop. I need this report to get to the ABC wire service right away.
Lydia begins to type, the message, as she listens to Johnny say, A flying saucer just crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. Ive been there and seen it. It looks like a flattened dish pan.
Lydia tell them this is not joke, I saw a rancher, drag it with his tractor, and put it under a cattle shelter. Lydia is stunned when she hears this.
Johnny continues, The Army has closed off the area and just before they did, they said there were little men on board the flying saucer.
As Lydia is typing, the machine shut down. This often happens to teletype machines, so she isnt too concerned.
She tells Johnny what happened and he said, Wait a minute, Ill get right back to you.
While she was waiting, the teletype machine started up again, and she received a message, that would change the world forever.
The person who sent the message didnt identify them self. The message read, Attention Albuquerque, do not transmit this message. Stop all communications, immediately.
When Johnny came back on to the phone, she told him about the message, and asked him what to do about his report to ABC.
He said, Forget about it. I never phoned you, forget what you heard, and dont talk about it to anyone else.
When Johnny got back to the office he told her that he had seen an aeroplane, that was filled with everything from the UFO, take off and flew in direction of Wright Patterson Airport, (a military air port).
Lydia boss, Merle Tucker, was out of town, when this happened. When he returned, she told him what had happened.
Mr. Tucker, had just applied for a new radio station, to be opened, and he was worried that he might not get a license if they could not prove from a few other sources that this had happened.
They interview a lot of people, including the sheriff, of Roswell. Everyone seemed to have forgotten what they told Johnny.
Ill end here, because Ive already written a review on Roswell, New Mexico.
If you read the book you will find out who the witness were. Who took part in the cover-up, (President Eisenhower, the Air Force, the F.B.I. and the C.I.A.).
My Thoughts
This report began the biggest cover up in the history of the United States.
There are many books about what happened in Roswell. I was hoping for a more scientific expiation of what happened.
The only thing I know for sure, it wasnt a weather balloon that crashed, (this is what the Air Force said happened).
If you are interested in UFOs and Aliens, you will enjoy this book. If you arent then dont waste your money and bye it.
I did like it, and have added it to my collection of books on this topic, because I have seen two UFOs!
A personal note
This is an example of MouthShut should work. I read a review about this book, and it sounded like I would enjoy it, so I went our and bought it.
Thank you for reading my review.