Finally My Review On Bullet . Be HOnest My Love For Bullet Is never Gonna End. But This Time The New Classic Bullet Just Broke My Heart. First I thought This Bullet Gonne Be Beast But Now I thought it was Least. I believe there is NO comparison Of Bullet In Indian market. But This time Royal Enfield not did great work. I Have The Silver One.Come to The Point
Let Starts With PROS
1- Colour are so Shinny
2- The Best Comfortable Two Wheeler Ever In Automative FIeld.
3-The Proud Feeling whenever I ride just feel like king.
4- Sorry The End.
1- Maintainence is Too Costly.
2- Vibrates too much while driving.
3-Tubed Tyres Lol(Bullet Cost Around 1.5 lakhs) and they didnt give tubeless tyre.
4-poor Brakes System
5-Gear shifting problem
6- low mileage
7-parts are costly too.etc