Reviewing this bike is also a less amount of respect that we can provide because this bike deserves more than a review. It is said that a guy with a bullet will love his bike more than his girl friend and its completely true. This bike is a legend in all the means.
The best part about this bike is when you take it on a longer ride the comfortability level which is provided by this bike is unmatchable with any other bike and once the engine is heated due to long ride, the bike starts performing even better and better. I have this bike and I know the feeling of taking it out and roaming with guys. A true macho bike in all sense and even when we consider mileage also this bike doesnt disappoint and gives a healthy mileage for any 350cc bike.
The only problem with this bike is in certain places the waiting period for getting the bike is too long. I almost had to wait for 10 months to receive this bike once I made my advance payment. Except that its the best of all.