When your office provides you with a home pick and drop you have very little reason to commute on your own. Nevertheless owning a two-wheeler is on everybodys list these days.
To be honest I was always been the one to favour the fuel-efficient 100cc bikes. I dilly dallied with the idea of buying quite a few bikes over the last 3-4 years but never sealed the deal.
My Pop owned a Jawa when he was young but had to sell it for monetary reasons. He always admired the Bullet, but of course it never was on the buy-list. Pushed by my sibling, I finally decided that if I was going to buy a two-wheeler I would want one for life. And what better ride than the Standard Royal Enfield Bullet. Shining black armor with a red and golden badge on the fuel tank!
The bike is an absolute joy to ride. At speeds of 40 KMPH where the fibre bodied ones begin to rattle, the Bullet stays firm. Of course its no match to the racing bikes but none of those can match the pleasure you get from riding a Bullet. The other RE models look good too but none, absolutely none can match the vintage feel of the Standard 350.
Given that most of us live in towns/cities clogged with traffic, you will hardly find yourself going over 80 KMPH. So dont worry yourself to death because you read a review that ranted about the vibrations at higher speed! The fact is you need a bit of meat on your bones to ride this royal creature. It gives you an air of confidence and safety on the road.
A fuel indicator would have been helpful though. The mileage of course will be a bit on the lower side - 40 to 45 KMPL. But guess what? all those bikes which talk about 99 KMPL under standard test conditions whimper down to a measly 50 on city roads. Besides they wear out in 5 years. The Bullet, on the other hand, can be handed down to the next generation.
As they say, "Built like a gun, goes like a bullet "
[2013 Model]