FIrst of all I should clear many wrong views in the market about the bullet1.Its a thirsty machine ...... Hey guys , this is the most funniest comment people do the moment they see a bullet. The problem with us is that we compare Bullet with normal 100cc bikes. say we take a HeroHonda which gives 70kmpl and a 350cc which gives 30 to 40kmpl and HorsePower of 7.5 100cc to 20above in 350cc you will really know that the mileage is really decent one. 2.People think its really hard to start bullet... This is definetly a coomment from someone who tried starting a bullet only onece in his life. Even I felt the same when I bought my bullet, but In a week I lerned the trick and now I can challege that it can be started more gracefully than any other bike in the market.3.Why all the rumors......Hey bullet is a pure machine its not a fancy modern japanese bike that you expect.If you see average bullet owner in India, they own the bike for atleast 10years and above.I can see in hyderabad where owning a old bullet is more prestigious than a new one. The older the bike, you are belived to own the more original bike. First I thought this is stupid but now that I known a 96model I can tell that this is 100% true. A used bike which is 20years and good condition goes somewhere around 25 - 30000Rs while 2003 model used bullet ranges from 30 - 40000Rs Max.I used to own a splendor for 10 years then I shifted to bullet. Now when I ride others splendor or any other bike I really notice the difference.Riding a 100cc is very dangerous if you ask me. The bike is so unsteady that even a kid can turn the hadle easily nad play with it. But if you own a bullet its rock steady with the handle. The road grip is tremendous. You can feel , you are driving a mobile armoured tank. The sitting position is high enough that a six footer can sit as comfortable as possiblke. I dont know much of the modern cvariants which come with seats pressed lower, May be this is done for short people. But the original bullet id a hig seat vehicle.Overall the bullet should be taken as raw machine not a package bike that can do everything deserves respect, patience and time to take care of the baby.Own a bullet to feel the monster yourself , belive me you will never forget and can never live without it.If you want to own a old bullet ask you mechanic to change the electrical system to 12Volts apart from that there is nothing to be done on the vehicle. Bullet last forever so what ever investment you do its never waste nad you can always get back 75% of the money you put on bullet. so dont think too much. Take advice from a person who own a bullet more than a year..Enjoy the ride