This bike is made for only mens?? , yes , really the feeling comes when you ride the bike is the best feeling ever ! It provides us the feeling of Royality !
Fuel Consumption : There is a major negative factor , which bullet contains and that is , its average is not good , but if you are riding on 350 cc bike , you should have forget the factor and problem in the average. Because , Obviously , the bike with this energy and power , contains a low average , but this not effect on your proudness because you are riding Bullet!
Comfort : In Comfort , I have to say that , guys , the bike is so much comfortable that you can not expect from it ! You will definetly feel proud while riding the bike ! Its Comfortable!
Relliability : Trust me guys , The bike is very very relliable. You can trust on it , because of the brand name on the bike . And it never dissapoint
You !
Handling And Control : THE BEST It is very easy for controlling ! Good handling , seriously!
Looks : You have definetly seen this classic bike , and you definetly loved the bike looks at the first site ! Its looks are just Stunning and classy!
Overall , Tue bike is no. 1 ! I loved it and you will also !