As the name itself describe its Royalty and Pride. When you sit on the seat of any royal enfield you feel the passion and this is not only the useless talk. You have to feel it. And when the bullet runs you feel like you float on the water and your bike moving without dong anything. It has 350 engine but it is not for racing( in my opinion), Just drive it on 20- 30 speed and then you know the feelings which trying to write here. The mileage of new bullets are good now, int he past the mileage of this bikes are not that good. You can always and whenever you need it, you can rely on it. Overall you can either purchase a basic model of jaguar or Royal Enfield classic 350, its a same thing. And when you drive on road everyone look at you like you are special one, you know why because it has some respect in the eye of every indian even children are saying, Bullet is bullet.