Emphasizing those same retro style as those excellent 500, those excellent 350 will be powered by An more modest relocation unit being those immaculate decision for the individuals who would searching for An lesquerella Forceful motor which conveys finer effectiveness Also is simpler to be kept clinched alongside rope.
The 346 cc, sinlge cylinder, 4 stroke, Twinspark unit generates a greatest yield from claiming 19. 8 hp toward 5250 rpm Whats more 28 nm from claiming torque at 4000 rpm. Constantly on this control may be exchanged of the back wheel Eventually Toms perusing method for An five speed transmission for wet, multiplate grasp.
Around those features advertised Toward the imperial Enfield excellent 350 you’ll find those iconic styled “ eye Lamps”like a TIGER, an excellent absolute saddle situate for springs, An polished short silencer, a vintage tail light gathering Whats more An retro-looking device around box.