I am a proud owner of a Royal Enfield 350 motorcycle. I bought in year 2006 and did 30000 kilometers in the first year.
I bought this motorcycle because thump and the stand apart class of it. It had nothing to do with how much it costs or what mileage it gives or what it takes to maintain it, I bought it for the sheer pleasure of riding a bullet. From a long time people have considered bullet riders as adventurous and passionate. I am a passionate rider the sound of the bullet is melodious.
This motorcycle is not for speed or for stunts, this is a machine to enjoy at a speed of 50-60 kilometers an hour. The sound of bullet just resonates with you. There are few things which are a concern, one is the tappet setting, second is the clutch oil seal and the third is the loss of control at high speed. As I said this motorcycle is not for speed as it is a very heavy bike and it takes time for it to stop once it starts rolling at high speed. This is a cruiser for enjoying long rides.