The Chopper On The Road!
ITs simply my Ego! I own 1994 model and has been with me since 1998. Its a marvellous piece of engineering. It is always by my side in my thick and thin. Ive slept on it when I got tired of driving all night but my brother (thats what I called my bullet) didnt.
Its so easy to handle and tough yet so delicate. For many Bullet is a simply a rough, rouge, pocket burner and what not but they dont understand its mechanis. For me its a mystic poetry.
Ive driven it the himalyan rains for 8 hours and this machine never gives up. I have taken it on those hills where the goats travel. Ive travelled to Chandigarh-Delhi-Nepal and back (No maintenance). Shimla-Delhi-Ahmedabad-Bombay.
My whole group of friends own Bullet and thanx me for introducing them to Bullet and one guy who owns Pulsar feels sorry for his mistake.
Maintenance if you have you doubts go to Punjab ask the Milk Man who ferries 3 to 4 Quintals of milk on it and he will tell you What great saving bullet is.
You just need a mechanic who loves this bike. (Though I fo it myself except changing Piston and Rings)
My girlfriend is just jealous of this machine who get most of my attention. But she just says this is the best decision I have ever made. (She Too wants too learn Bullet, for her rest are mopeds!)