I have been using this bike from last 2 years personally. I use it for long run and short run both. Bike is really comfortable that you wont regret sitting on it for long hours or you might feel proud sitting on it as the name has royal itself. I have driven this bike continously for hours(5-7) then a break and then again for the same hours. I have travelled more than 1000 kms on the bike. You wont feel much tired as compare to the other bikes. You can get it modified really good and make it look like a vintage. Engine is any way very powerful than most of the bikes. If you like to ride a bike, then its the only best option in Indian Market. Ride is like fly on Royal Enfield. Their service is wonderful. Let me tell you few specifications of the bike:
mileage - 40 km per hour
comfort - I say it good as thats the only thing you need to compromise if you like to ride long on a bike, you take any bike, there is no comfort but this bike is comfortable.
Road Grip- better than rest of the bikes in this range
Appeal- everyone has appeal for the Royal Enfield