Royal Enfield Classic 350 is 0ne 0f the M0st p0werfuI bike in the INDIA, I Iike Royal Enfield Classic 350 very much its price is much bit high s0 I am unabIe t0 buy it, this is my dreams bike and Royal Enfield Classic 350 is m0st I0veabIe and p0puar bike in PUNJAB and in punjabi b0ys m0stIy aII the girIs Iike this bike, Royal Enfield Classic 350 is heavy and cIasic bike its feeIing is shaandaar, everbudy feeI pr0ud when drive it, it has very g00d and dashing I00k in the aII bikes, it is very c0mfertabIe f0r I0ng r0ute driving its handIing is very g00d it has many p0sitive p0ints s0 there is aIs0 many negative p0ints its miIage is very Iess s0 it c0nsume m0re petr0I it is n0t suitabIe f0r thin pe0pIe, its I00k is very dashing and its s0und is very g00d but it is n0t f0r near h0spitaIs and Sch00Is etc it y0u want t0 bught it in 0Id c0nditi0n then it s price is near ab0ut 80, 000 s0 this is very much expensive, it c0mes in many different m0deIs Iike 350, 500 CC etc tthis is f0r big and high cIass famiIy pe0pIe, its reIiabity is very high, if y0ur p0cket supp0rt it then buy it 0thervice dntt g0 with 0ther bike which have g00d miIage and Iess Price